Posted by Cameron Francis
03 Aug , 2013
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You must have heard how several businesses have resorted to Google Adwords or PPC (Pay Per Click) as an internet marketing strategy. It is true that it is beneficial if methods are executed properly. Others may say that it’s a bit expensive and results are not really reliable – well, these people must have worked on their advertisement negatively, resulting to adverse impact on their business’ online presence. But if executed well by following some guidelines needed on such internet marketing strategy, you will be certain that it is actually an affordable yet beneficial advertisement.
The point of Google AdWord is basically to “advertise.” These advertisements are placed on the Search Engine Result Pages. What you see on the top and right side of every SERP is a form Google AdWords. When it comes to fees, charges only occur once a potential client sees and click your ad. You will not be charged just by being there, thus, you will be certain that only those who are interested of what your offered products and/or services are, will be reached accordingly. You will never need to shell out money without getting the right traffic your business needs.
Google AdWords may really be complex to some as several technicalities go with the method. But once you have gotten a full grasp of how it really works, you will be certain that you will be able to conquer the niche you are in just by making use of the aforementioned internet marketing strategy.
Understanding Google Quality Score
When starting on Google AdWords, it is always best to be at the highest position as much as possible, as it has higher chance of being seen by potential visitors, thus, increasing your website’s traffic. Unfortunately, being positioned is not just about the amount you pay on Google but how well your advertisement is. There are several factors that may help you determine how everything will most probably be beneficial and one of the highest factors that should not be neglected is your Google Quality Score.
When you have good QS, you may be able to reach the top and maintain the position, plus the amount you will be required to pay Google whenever someone clicks your advertisement may really be cheap as discounts are readily available and attainable.
There are 3 factors that distinguish Google Quality Score. Listed below are the things you have to take into your account in order for you to understand how these figures are provided to you.
Adverse Effect on Google Quality Score
Bounceback certainly affects your GQS. Bounceback occurs when a potential client clicks your advertisement and closes it within few seconds. This may be an indication that they find your landing page not reliable of providing what they are looking for or an indication that your website is not pleasing to look at. This should really be worked on especially if your bounceback rate is high, as it will not only affect your advertisement but your business’ revenue as well.
Determining Your Ad Cost
The amount you are obliged to pay the AdWord for every click you attain for your website is dependent upon the ad rank of the person below yours divided by your quality score. Only the advertiser at the bottom will not be affected with this computation.
The cost you will be obliged to pay may be as low as $0.01 to $1.00 for every 1000 clicks. It will rarely go beyond $1.00.
Flexible Bid Strategies
If you want to set your bids and maximize how they will be spent, Google has finally set flexible bid strategies which work on several factors that will encompass how you want things to work for your business’ advertisement. With their flexible bid strategies, you will be certain that every cent you spend on the advertisement serves its purpose. Here are some of the strategies you may want to work on for your business:
Maximize clicks. If you want to increase your website’s traffic, then this strategy is surely effective. On a specified budget, you will then be placed on a position which may highly work on uplifting your visitors. This strategy is guaranteed beneficial if you are promoting campaigns, ad groups and keywords.
Search Page Location. It sets bids in order for you to be able to be shown on the top of the SERP, or at least at the 1st page. Still, it is beneficial for campaigns, keywords and ad groups.
Target cost-per-acquisition. The bid will be automatically set if your main purpose on the advertisement is by increasing the percentage of conversion. A conversion occurs if your visitor has done something good for your business, such as purchasing an item. This will actually give you adequate information, specifically by knowing if Google AdWords works for your business.
Enhanced cost-per-click. Apart from the positive results of conversion, an enhanced cost-per-click will also give you the capability of controlling your specified keyword.
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