Posted by Cameron Francis
24 Jun , 2013
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Selecting the right keyword for your website is essential in order for you to be certain that you will be able to target the right audience for your business. It is the number one step in search engine optimisation as it is the core of all the internet marketing strategies needed to be applied in uplifting your page rank’s position. Finding the right keyword is a bit crucial especially if you are in an industry that has several established businesses.
There are several keyword tools you may use in order for you to be certain that you will be hitting the right target.
This tool is primarily for PPC but they have this specialized “keyword tool” that may be used by website owners and SEO experts to surpass their battle in the search engine ranking.
You do not need a Google account in order for you to access the keyword tool and it is free tool from Google. Once you get in, you will need to think of a specific word that most probably describes what your offered products and services are. Do not be too general. Being direct and specific about what you are offering will lead you to the right keyword. This tool gives you selection for specific language, specific location and keyword match type (Broad, exact and phrase). Moreover you have advance search options of filtering the searches through this tool.
In figuring out your keyword, you also need to know who your target audience is. Are your target clients the ones living within your area or you’re willing to take the risk and target the global industry? This also depends on what type of business you have and what are your targeted geo graphic locations. Most potential clients, especially those who are looking for specific services rather than products, such as a reliable plumbing company perhaps, location is usually included on the search box, thus, specific companies that are near the area will be shown on the SERP. A good example of such is “Professional Plumbers in Sydney.” If you will notice, “Sydney” has been included by the searcher so as to ensure that only those plumbers residing in Sydney will be shown at the SERP.
Several SEO experts and website owners are a bit confused whether to target both singular and plural keywords. Well, if both have a huge number of searchers, then targeting both should be done effectively. This ensures you that you will be able to attract both potential clients. Having several variations of keywords will ensure you that you do not miss a probable transaction.
Apart from Google AdWords, here are some of the tools you may also use in order for you to be able to find the right keyword for your business, which will later on result to uplifted traffic, marketability and credibility:
Wordtracker will give you the capacity to view high-performing keywords with just few clicks. Relative keywords will be provided. Let’s say you placed “jewelry”, several keywords will be listed by Wordtracker, such as “discounted jewelry”, “diamond jewelry” and so on. Parallel to it is the number of views it receives. What is nice about Wordtracker is that the keywords are arranged according to the number of traffic it requires.
Several successful companies make use of Keyword Spy. Among the companies are IBM, CCA, Toyota and a whole lot more. Unfortunately, it’s not for free as they charge their clients $89.95 to $139.95. Well, it may really be pricey but they provide several features as providing you the competitor’s keywords, a daily database update, and pinpoint those keywords which have a higher chance of ROI.
HitTail surely loves to let you hit the SERP. They provide long tail keywords and parallel to it is the search engine where you may be able to successfully become number 1. Because of their good performance, they were featured in CNet, BusinessWeek and more. Unfortunately, it is also not offered for free.
These are just some of the keyword tools you might like to spend money with just so you will be able to figure out the right keyword essential in uplifting your business towards your goals. Remember, uplifting your website’s PR is really challenging and to make your SEO work a bit easier, you need to target the right keyword for your website.