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LinkedIn Reaches Half a Billion Users

LinkedIn Reaches Half a Billion Users

In the latest update from LinkedIn, the professional networking platform, they have reached an astounding number of users – 500 million!

The formal announcement spoke about London as the world’s most connected city. Linkedin currently

  • Has members from 200 countries
  • Lists 9 million companies and 10 million active jobs
  • Publishes 100,000 articles weekly via Pulse

Talking about the achievement, Darain Faraz, from the brand marketing and communication department, mentions how the company is slowly and steadily growing to connect professionals around the globe, helping them improve their career graph. He says:

“Every single connection you make opens up an average of 400 new people that you could get introduced to and build relationships with, taking you one step closer to reaching your career goals”.

Linkedin Users

LinkedIn gave an insight into their audience profile. The most connected places are London, San Francisco, Amsterdam, Jakarta, and Milan. The most connected countries are United Arab Emirates, Netherlands, Singapore, United Kingdom, and Denmark. The most connected and searched jobs are human resources, product management, business development, marketing, and consulting.

Lastly, the most connected industries are staffing and recruitment, human resources, venture capital and private equity, management consulting, and online media.


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